Alexander Gil Cruz
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ppg prowler orange
oil on canvas

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Alexander Gil Cruz est un artiste de 43 ans

Alexander Gil Cruz

My name is Alexander Gil,i have been a self-taught painter since three years ago, i started painting with vinyls on the paper and now i make oil painting .I think painting is a great discovery in my life just because it is a kind of language through i can express everything; i guess painting tries to depict the world and the man with a visual language; i certainly believe it is being in existence or it is possible to find a Kafka or a Dostoyevski painter, i mean painters with a trascendent surprising content as the literature geniuses ( for instance : Francis Bacon or Van Gogh).i admire a lot to Gustav Klimt as well , because of his beauty figures.
I personally thing painting is an addition for the color, i always live thinking in new paints and their constitution. [PLUS...]

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 Le Forum de Alexander Gil Cruz
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I disagree. The *only* enffereicds between FaceTime-for-Mac and FaceTime-for-iPhone are the hardware it runs on and the fact that Macs don't have phone numbers, so email addresses are used as stand-ins.If you're thinking it is a new form of Skype, then I can see your point. But I contend that Apple are looking for the simplicity of a phone call and Skype does not fit that criteria.Skype (and pretty much any of its competitors) is chat, audio, video, file send, presence, blocking, free and charged. They added the ability to call in/out of phones as an extension of their original service design.FaceTime began (and is intended) as a phone call with video. Now they have added the ability to use your Mac as a (FaceTime) phone. If they were intending to replace Skype then they'd have chat and presence at least from the get go. They don't because I don't believe that's their goal.Skype = super-featured (and therefore somewhat complex) communications system which saw geeks as their first wave.FaceTime = video phone call. For the masses.(zkarj has made 36 comments)
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